Do you have little, hairy, long-tailed rats that live in your lovely home? If you do, you must act swiftly and perform the essential rodent control ideas. Rats breed quickly, therefore you must act quickly to eradicate the invasion in order to safeguard your property and your safety.
Before you begin
When discussing rats as rodents, please remember that they are quite adaptive. As a result, controlling and eliminating them from your house might be difficult. They bring a variety of illnesses that may be toxic to humans and cause significant damage to your home. Rats are, though, sometimes mistaken as mice. To take the proper measures for efficient rodent control ideas, you must first ensure that you are fighting with rats and not mice.
Rats are far larger than mice. Mice have 4-inch bodies and they weigh 30-50 grams. Rats are significantly larger and heavier. Their typical weight of females is around 400 grams, while adult males reach more than 600 grams. Their bodies are 10 inches long and they also have a tail. Aside from physical variations, rats and mice differ genetically and anatomically.
Signs indicating the need for rodent control
- Rodents chew constantly: They typically munch on electrical lines, so if you find cables ripping, it’s a sure clue that you do have these hairy intruders in your house.
- Rodents leave their imprints: When rodents migrate, they follow the same path, which is frequently around cabins or walls. Because their bodies are coated with mud, they frequently leave black dirt imprints as they travel. This might be the deciding factor in determining the type of rodents you’re dealing with.
- Rodents also leave trail tail prints across their running paths: rodents leave trails particularly in cellars and other less-than-clear environments. Powdering little flour or talc on the flooring and around the walls is a fantastic approach to detect a potential rodent problem. The very next day, you may look for rat tracks to see whether you need to begin your rat management approach.
- Rodents often leave black droppings (feces): Rodents can release up to thirty droppings every day and normally dump them in the very same spot. These feces look like big brown grains of rice.
- Grinding Sounds: Because certain rodents are excellent climbers, they can quickly access the home rooftop and enter under the floors. They create a grinding sound with their teeth that can be heard late at night. This is just another indication that you really need to act quickly.
DIY rodent control ideas that work!
1. Peppermint, spearmint, and mint
Mint and peppermint scents are repulsive to rodents. Keeping a mint plant near your home is among the most effective DIY strategies for keeping rodents away from your property. Because rats can’t bear the scent, the perfume just drives them away. Many homeowners believe that having such plants growing around their houses is beneficial.
If you can not grow mint in the yard, you can substitute it with peppermint oil. This oil is also effective in repelling rodents. You could get peppermint oil and apply a few drops to a cotton swab. The cotton should then be placed in nooks or other areas where rodents might gather, and that’s all there is to it!
2. The cat technique
Cats are far more than simply adorable pets. They are also fierce rodent hunters. They like the thrill of hunting these rats without being scared by their size. So, if you suspect you have a rodent problem in your house, you must think about having a cat.
3. Rat repellant in liquid form
Among the most successful DIY rodent control approaches is a liquid rat repellent. This solution is focused on the smell of a cat. Because rats loathe cats, they become terrified and flee the area. It’s comforting to know that top-quality liquid repellents do not offend humans, so you can sprinkle them inside your house without fear of an unpleasant odour.
4. Peanut butter
Another effective DIY rodent control approach is a combination of boric acid and peanut butter. To prepare this magical mixture, combine one bowl of peanut butter and half a bowl of Boric acid. Then, roll little balls and distribute them in infected parts of your home. When rodents taste those balls, they become extremely poisonous.
The rodent infestation in your house is severe? Call us
If these DIY methods are not coming useful for you, reach out to Pest Control Carrara. We are a trusted pest control company. Moreover, we have affordable pest control treatments to help you out with. Reach out to us now.